My hardworking and incredibly talented illustrator just emailed me another group of concept sketches for approval, and they are simply wonderful! Just for grins, I included an example of the straw I send her, and the gold she sends me in return. Hard to believe we’ve never met… never even spoken on the phone, yet she seems to intuit brilliantly exactly what I’m hoping for with each illustration. I couldn’t be happier with the progress! (Quick recap if this is your first visit – I’m turning a song I wrote about a dad’s frantic search for his little girl’s Christmas wish into a children’s book – you can check out the tune at: (Quick recap if this is your first visit – I’m turning a song I wrote about a dad’s frantic search for his little girl’s Christmas wish into a children’s book – you can check out the tune at: )
Here's what I sent:

And, incredibly, here's what she returned:

(to those of you with a keen eye for detail, I caught that I originally misspelled "Clause." Easy breezy - will be corrected in final version.)